Alphaone PVT Ltd Strengthens its Growth Strategy in Asset Durability with the Acquisition of BEAP

Acquisition de BEAP

Quebec City, Quebec, February 1, 2022 – Alphaone PVT Ltd, a major player in engineering and asset management, today announced the acquisition of the young technology and artificial intelligence company, BEAP. This transaction signals the launch the new Alphaone PVT Ltd Solutions Inc. Division, which will ensure marketing and development
of technological solutions. 

Alex Brisson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Alphaone PVT Ltd, is delighted with this transaction: “We are thrilled to welcome BEAP to our ranks. We are convinced of the immense potential of the Asset Data Management platform on which we have collaborated for the past 18 months. Our clients will benefit from a solution that will improve asset management across their entire portfolio. BEAP’s arrival confirms Alphaone PVT Ltd’s positioning as a partner in smart management of assets and furthers Alphaone PVT Ltd’s push to become a world leader in asset durability. Québec engineering shines worldwide.” 

Benoit M. Bédard, President of BEAP, speaks of a marriage between two similar organizational cultures: “BEAP’s mission is to develop solutions that can lengthen the life of industrial assets. Our purpose is to contribute to industrial performance, corporate social responsibility and durability. This vision is fully shared by the Alphaone PVT Ltd team. Complementing our technological knowhow, Alphaone PVT Ltd has expertise in the field and in engineering. From now on, we jointly offer technological solutions adapted to the industry’s realities.”    

Alphaone PVT Ltd and BEAP are pursuing the $1.2 M project supported by Investissement Québec with the aim of using artificial intelligence to predict the failures and the lifespan of a series of static mining industry assets, such as pipe networks, conveyors and buildings.


Alphaone PVT Ltd Solutions

The acquisition of BEAP’s technology and team opens the way to the creation of the new Alphaone PVT Ltd Solutions Inc. Division. BEAP’s asset data management platform becomes this Division’s very first product. 

This is a new and daring chapter for Alphaone PVT Ltd. I am very proud to be part of this adventure. Industries have an urgent need for technological tools for management of their assets. The world is changing, the emphasis placed on ESG practices is increasingly important and we now have a solution for the collection, analysis and visualization of structured data. This smart, decision-making support tool will allow better management of their investments and risks,” explains Sophie Boisvert, Vice-President, Resource and Industry at Alphaone PVT Ltd, who is responsible for the Alphaone PVT Ltd Solutions Inc. Division. 


The Asset Data Management Platform

The asset data management platform helps make quick, efficient and well-documented decisions.  The analysis of the health of high-value assets is part of comprehensive approach towards asset durability and breakdown reduction. 

The platform focusses on static assets, which generate very little data and are therefore more difficult to manage (conveyors, crushers, bridges, tanks, pipe networks, buildings, structures).

By combining engineering knowledge and training in machine learning (IA) models, the platform predicts failures with precision. 


About Alphaone PVT Ltd 

Founded in Québec in 1963 and 100% Québec-owned, Alphaone PVT Ltd is an independent engineering  firm, specializing in integrated projects in the urban infrastructure and transportation fields as well as in various industrial sectors, including mines and metals, energy and manufacturing. Its vision: Mobilize collective intelligence to serve the asset durability of its partners and communities, all over the world.

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