
Top-level experts in designing and maintaining railway infrastructures

Alphaone PVT Ltd has numerous specialists with experience in designing, building and maintaining railway infrastructures. We offer innovative solutions for all railway-related elements, whether used to transport freight or passengers.

Engineering structures – Railway tracks – Commuter trains – Light trains and tramways – Level crossings – Passenger stations – Rolling stock – Electrification – Garages, workshops and rail yards – Industrial siting

Caroline Vallée
Caroline Vallée

Director, Rail, Ports and Mass Transit

Contact us!

Our Strengths

  • Logistics and Safety
  • Bridges and Engineering Structures
  • Continuous Improvement Process
  • Overall Understanding of Operational Realities
  • Local and Integrated Teams
  • Infrastructure Inspections, Cleaning and Monitoring

Services offered

  • Railway operations assistance
    • Interpretation and application of Canadian railway standards and regulations
    • Operation planning and optimization
    • Freight transportation logistics
    • Railway service agreements
  • Engineering structures: bridges, culverts, retaining walls
  • Railway tracks: geometrics, drainage, earthworks, maintenance, inspection
  • Level crossings: road and railway analyses, risk analyses
  • Passenger stations: platforms, parking, street furniture, lighting, ITS
  • Rolling stock: rail cars, locomotives, transhipping, equipment modification
  • Electrification: high-power supply, control and data acquisition systems
  • Industrial: classification yards, transhipping, operation
  • Garages and workshops: buildings, inspection pits, tools

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