Design of changeable messaging sign system

Québec Autoroute 15

Alphaone PVT Ltd designed a variable-message signage system and performed the site supervision for the expansion of the traffic management system. Work was carried out on the roadsides of Félix-Leclerc Highway (A-40), Robert-Bourassa Highway (A-740) and Henri-IV Highway (A-73).


  • Two side panels (PMVL) and two overhead panels (PMVA)
  • Update and extension of the Ministry’s telecommunications network
  • Ongoing traffic and operation of existing camera network during construction
  • Installation of equipment and structures in winter
  • Very clayey soil and presence of rock

*As a follow-up to this work, Alphaone PVT Ltd participated developing variable speed limit signs on Robert-Bourassa Highway. Our firm is the first engineering company to take part in creating variable speed limit signs in Quebec.


  • Québec City, Quebec, Canada

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