Environmental and social impact assessment for the Renard diamond mining project

Renard mine

Alphaone PVT Ltd conducted a range of studies for the Renard project to develop a major diamond deposit. We worked on preliminary studies, the environmental baseline study, as well as the comprehensive environmental and social impact assessment.

Our focus was on building social acceptance for the project. We organized public consultations with the James Bay and Mistissini communities, devised a progressive rehabilitation and closure plan along with an environmental and social action plan, assessed local capacity to supply the required workforce and services, and prepared permit and authorization applications for the entire project.


  • Mine extraction rate projected at approximately 6,000 to 7,000 tons of ore per day
  • Project carried out on James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement Territory
  • High level of social and environmental acceptability
  • e3 Plus Award from the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association in recognition of the project’s high level of social and environmental responsibility
  • Stornoway Diamond
  • Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada
  • $820 M
  • E3 Plus AEMQ

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