Coastal protection work in Cotonou

An intense erosion problem was plaguing the eastern part of the city of Cotonou, Benin. Wave action was causing an average coastal retreat of 10 m/year, with disastrous impacts, including numerous homes being washed away every year.

This project aimed to protect (over a length of 7 km) the stretch of coastline affected by this problem, by setting up a system of dikes with spikes. Alphaone PVT Ltd’s coastal engineering team performed the design review of the structures, updated the various studies, supervised the work and managed the project during construction.


  • Maintenance of environmental integrity to preserve the coastal ecosystem
  • Large-scale project in a densely populated area
  • High number of stakeholders: the local community, the five funders and the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Sanitation
  • Use of physical and digital modelling for a more in-depth technical analysis
  • Capacity development of the engineers and professionals from Benin

*Click here to view the video

  • Republic of Benin
  • Cotonou, Benin, Africa

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